About Xarpy
Xarpy started as an idea by 3 DAE Alumni
To improve the world with the help of Extended Reality. Now we help companies gain a wider customer reach with the help of Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality.
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Years of experience
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We started with passion for XR
The six rules we follow
Open communication with our customers. We will always listen to your needs.
User testing
Our projects will always be heavily user tested. After all, it needs to feel good for the user and be bug free.
Our projects will not have flaws. We know you love perfection and so do we.
We are early adopters of new and exiting technology, this automatically attracts new users wanting to test it.
We will always make a prototype to make sure the concept works and is battle tested before we refining.
Pet the office dog
For the mental stability and overal happiness of our team petting the office dog is simply required.
Who are we
Getting to know someone can be rough, luckily we have a nice introduction below.s
Arne Six
Co-founder & Game developer
Sam Stassijns
Co-founder & Game developer
Albert Gimeno Limeres
Co-founder & 3D Artist
Mitzi de schnitzel
Happines officer & Security alarm